How to make sure a job is right for you

How to make sure a job is right for you

How to make sure a job is right for you

Recruitment is a two-way process and employees need to feel they’re in the right place to develop and improve their skills just as employers are grateful to find the right person for their organisation...

If you’ve ever come out of an interview secretly hoping you don’t get the job, the location might have been okay, the money might have been competitive, but something didn’t feel quite right, then there’s nothing wrong with that. 

After all, recruitment is a two-way process. Employees need to feel they’re in the right place to develop and improve their skills just as employers are grateful to find the right new person for their organisation. 

So do your homework into whether you’ll feel suited to working at the company. When you spend so much time there, it’s important to feel comfortable.

Peruse their online presence

Don’t just research the company’s history or recent news. Look at their ‘work for us’ page and social media channels to get an idea of the character and culture of the company. Social media will show how they want to project themselves to candidates. It will reveal the company’s human side.

Have a look around

The interviewer might well offer to show you around after your meeting but feel free to ask them for a tour anyway. Seeing where you might be working will not only give you a picture of what it will be like to work there but the office layout, atmosphere and dress code will also reveal more about the culture.

Interview the interviewer

Ask the interviewers to describe the company culture and what they like about working there. Don’t be afraid to ask how often the team socialise together. Find out what training’s available and whether there’s a potential path of progression within the role.

It’s also important to find out what the company’s plans are and more specifically, whether the team is growing. If you’re coming into a team that is expanding all the time, the signs are pretty good. If you’re likely to be working on your own with little likelihood of any help being brought in any time soon, maybe the job isn’t for you.

Look at the benefits

The benefits on offer at a company (you can find these out on the website or in the interview) can really give you an idea of what it will be like to work there. Although flexible working is now relatively commonplace, some companies offer more flexibility than others. Working from home or dress-down days – as well as unexpected or uncommon benefits – might be indicative of a modern and relaxed working culture.

Speak to past employees

Ask around your contacts to see if you know anyone who’s worked for the company. Past employees can often give quite a candid insight into the internal workings of a company. If anything concerns you, be sure to ask the right questions in the interview to make sure any problems have been addressed.

Speak to a recruitment consultant

Recruitment consultants will have a very good idea of what it’s like at a company. Although you might expect them to gloss over any negatives of working there, it’s important for their relationships and reputation in the market that they’re straight with you. And if they want to do business with the company again, they need to provide people who are suited to the role.

If you’d like to know more, or if you need any support finding your next job, please Contact Us

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